Friday 4 August 2017

breathe | and begin again...

This quote came to me at a time when I needed to hear these exact words.
Simple. Yet profound when applied.
May it free your mind the way it did mine.

It isn’t about getting to that happy place and staying there,
but having the strength to journey back inward; to begin, yet again.
Whether through achievement or defeat,
the work is to stay with our Yoga practice...
Whether things are going well or not...

and just breathe...and begin again

If we can meet both Success and Failure with equal likeness,
we can be free.
These practises are the pathways of Yoga
The mind tracks that will help us cut through the illusions
that prevent us from seeing clearly.

If we run from what scares us and chase only after our desires,
the mind never settles.
It is constantly looking for the next best fix
to soothe the fluctuations of the whirling mind.

Instead of remaining still and present with whatever comes our way,
we are held a prisoner of our own minds,
stuck in the past; chasing the future.

To remain equal in mind through pleasure and pain- this is Yoga.
It is not a straight and tidy road, but it is a worthwhile and fruitful one.
And one that must be practised again and again.

Chapter 3, Verse 6 of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras,
an sacred ancient text depicts the Yoga journey well...

Only through Yoga, Yoga is known

Only through Yoga, Yoga progresses

One who is patient with Yoga

Enjoys the fruits for a long time

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