Photo and Quote by J.S |
So, what makes us run for the hills when it comes to living out our wildest dreams? What brings us to the very edge of living out our dreams, before we put the brakes on-- bringing us to a dead stop?
I finally put together my vision board the other week-- only took me over 1 year!!! Funny how long it takes to just cut some pictures out and glue them onto a stinkin’ piece of cardboard!! Gahh!
So this got me thinking--what is actually behind my well-executed procrastination skills? Believe me, I have had every excuse in the book for not cutting and pasting this one together. “Oh, everything I have wanted has already come true..This won’t change anything...I want it to look perfect and pretty, so I will avoid doing it at all because I’m scared of it not turning out the way I imagine it…” and on and on, enough to fill in a year’s worth of get the picture.
So, what is it that really holds us back from putting our dreams into reality? What is the real nitty gritty truth behind our deepest desires and what we will actually give ourselves permission to have; to be, essentially. And this isn’t about having in the sense of clinging to material wealth in order to be happy, but a comfort of living that brings us sustenance, nourishment and inspiration--allowing us to fulfill our life's purpose for the betterment of ourselves, others and the planet.
As a Yoga Teacher, I used to think that if I accepted money for what I did, then I wasn’t being authentic. I believed that since everyone deserves to be supported on the spiritual path, and it’s something that everyone is entitled to, who am I to charge for something that should be open and free to everyone? But a friend once said to me, “ I use money as a gauge to see how well I am fulfilling my mission in the world..” and that really struck me. That’s how I can continue to give back for the duration of my mission… Some food for thought...
I also used to think…
..."At some level, I know that I am in control of my destiny, and it scares me to think that I hold the key to my own happiness. And, surely, I don’t want to make any mistakes...”
..."What if...I dream the dream, and it never happens? Then I’ll just be left disappointed and discouraged….
…”How can it be possible to live the life of my dreams just by posting it up on a board, surely it takes more than that?"...
...“Am I ready? Ready to accept the changes and ripples effects this will make in my life?...”
…”Do I feel worthy/fortunate enough?"...
...”Who am I to deserve to live happily ever after? Surrounded by the richness of beautiful landscapes, living out the career of my dreams?"...
But now I know where all this is coming from.
It's coming straight from a place of doubt, fear and lack.
And I know this reality isn't a state of "clear seeing," -- this is not me, and I don't have to become this, if I choose.
Does any of the above sound familiar?
This reminds me of a famous quote by Marianne Williamson- you may have heard it before, but it doesn’t hurt to have reminders now and then. We tend to forget how powerful we really are, to our own detriment.
Here it goes...“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be…? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine…”
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